Kingdom Living International

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About Us


Kingdom Living International is a business resource center and institute that focuses on helping people to discover their identity, purpose, and God-given plan, that unveils and releases there potential, power, and uncapped capabilities to fulfuill their destiny.  The birth of this project God gave to us, started sometime in the year 2006, which was the vision to see my family and many other families living the Kingdom dream, which is simply, "living in abundance, to the full, till it's overflowing in every area of our lives.  
K.L.I., is a correlation of businesses combined, that is a revolutionary, turnkey, marketing sysem, that gives people the opportunity to take ownership of there lives, that create multiple sources and streams of realistic residual incomes unimaginable.  Our hope and goal is to reach every family and person who want to experience total independednce-freedom to take leadership and command ownership over their lives, incomes, and destiny.  What ever it is that most people are looking for is just a counterfeit or substitute to replace the real thing they're looking for.  And the real thing that most people are looking for is "FREEDOM", plain and simple as that. But we at Kingdom Living International have discovered the real thing, the real deal and that is Kingdom living.  So, stop by our website and check us out and start now by taking control over your life! See you in the Kingdom!

Our Philosophy
Our mission statement or purpose of the business is about teaching, training, coaching, mentoring transforming, equipping, and empowering people physically, mentally, spiritually, socially, and financially to experience true Kingdom Living!